Contrary to your statement, I don’t believe I’m wrong … at least not on all counts. I believe that a lot of this is a knee-jerk reaction to several things, but putting that aside …
Look at the makeup of the board. When you’re finished serving in one capacity, I’m sure some just change positions rather than leave the board entirely. Experience is good, but so is having fresh eyes and people who are not controlling or who react badly in situations. (Remember the photos of Skip I posted … that apparently you changed your mind about after a letter from Skip? Yes. I heard about that!)
I see your percentages. Perhaps more useful would be the breakdown numbers by route for the past three years. Then we can see where the losses are, or if they are consistent across the routes.
A secret committee or whatever you want to call it does not pass the sniff test. Perception is everything. All that’s happened here is people are angry, there’s real divisiveness and hostility and we will lose people because of it. This has been poorly executed.
And again. Who was on it and what was the makeup of this committee? How many people? How many from each route? And that’s different from your AARs.
I also would think that AARs should be taken with a grain of salt if they came from other routes. Those routes would certainly try to steer changes away from their own routes. Midway AARs should carry the most weight. I also believe that if people haven’t ridden Midway or are no longer riding that maybe they don’t necessarily have the insight as to what’s best. Let those who ride decide. That pertains to much in our motorcycling community.
I would have done a focus group heavy on Midway and Sandbox riders. And made sure all of our people knew what was going on.
For someone on Southern or Central who want to go to the MECW, now they will have to change to a different route or jump routes. What a cluster that will be for registration. Pre-paid gas, meals, hotels, adding onto platoons … how do you plan for those things? It will be a mess as you have no idea as to the numbers who will jump. And yes, I know we have people who join at the stops but the numbers here could be way more.)
If we’re trying to grow, the MECW should be a destination ride not a stop. The Vietnam vets are a dying breed. I know. I live with one who will be 80 this year. We have to grow the Sandbox Route to get them. Maybe only 25 percent are doing that one route, but again, what are the percentages? Is it growing? It will not grow if Sandbox is only an afterthought.
While I am on RFTW because of the Vietnam vets, it behooves the board and everyone else (including the Vietnam vets) to put aside what they want and look to the future. And the future you and your secret committee are planning is not looking to the future in a way that we can agree with. Again, transparency.
If part of this has to do with people wanting to do the Freedom Ride, a better solution would have Sandbox leave DC a day later.
Or if you believe it has to be a C2C route Central is already north and should have been the logical choice to go to Marseilles. Was it even considered? If not, why not?