Advice for an FNG

Good Afternoon,

My wife and I are starting our planning. We plan to be a FNG in May going all the way. What advice can you give me?

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David, no matter which route you are doing. come prepared for all kinds of weather. Most of what you need to know will come out in Newsletters for each route.

You can also check out the FAQ for new participants on this page: Frequently Asked Questions - Run For The Wall®.

One of the FAQ’s is “What items should I pack?” I am one that tends to take everything I could possibly need, but many just take the bare essentials because they know someone will have what they need or there is generally a Walmart nearby. When I have ridden two up, I probably fit the last category more than the first.

You will receive amazing support from those who have been doing the ride for years. This is the most helpful bunch you will ever ride with.

There will be posts in this forum about others riding to the run. Maybe you can join one of them on the way.

Ride safe, be blessed!

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Pack good rain gear and pack lighter than you think you will need. Enjoy the experience, complete the mission

My daughter and I were FNGs last year on Midway. We had planned on camping during the trip and actually never spent 1 night under the stars. Extra gear that wasn’t necessary.
I am used to packing lite but she wasn’t, had her reduce a few times until everything from both of us fit in one T-bag. She learned real quick laundry services in hotels were a good use of time in the evenings.
Prepare for cold (desert nights and/or rain can bring temps down to just above freezing) and hot while riding, either way I would suggest long sleeves for both, just thinner for heat. You can alway roll them up but want to protect from sun.
Prepaid yourselves both physically and mentally: physically by starting to ride on 2-5 hour rides if you can and keep increasing them longer as you get closer to May. That will help you both as well as find the unknowns prior to.
Mentally; I prepped myself by watching YouTube videos and it helped getting ready for the wall but not the ride. I found that going to DC was such a close group therapy session that I didn’t even realize or prepare for. Even if you don’t have deep down items you become a shoulder or helping hand for folks that do, without even realizing it.
One last thing. Never give up. Things will happen on the trip, some even out of your control. Never give up.
You will find yourselves on the trip I guarantee it.

Hope this helps some.