Central Route Discussion

Hello Central Route Riders, we created this topic thread so that you all can connect on issues that are specifically relative to the Central Route.

When are mission position assignments made? I was an FNG 2024, and have options presented in the volunteer questionnaire, but need to know which bike, or trike that I’m outfitting to fill my position.

I already answered Flip in person on this question, but I am posting an answer for all to read…

Route leadership positions are made by the Route Coordinators and Assistant Route Coordinators and their respective teams. As I write this response we are smack dab in the middle of August and decisions for leadership teams for next year’s Run are being made now! If you haven’t already, fill out a Volunteer Sign-Up Form and then follow up with the RC and/or ARC for your Route - or your respective team lead (ie: Fuel Team, Staging, Road Guards, etc…) Contact information can be found on each Route’s Contact webpage. ~Boots

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If anyone that used the GPX files that we provided last year had any issues that should be addressed, just shoot me an email at: duane.gryder@rftw.us

That way maybe I will be able to fix those things prior to next year.

Ride safe, be blessed!

Haven’t been called an FNG in a long time but all good, I am excited for the ride. Is there a way to get riders in the same platoon? Me and a couple buddies are coming out from Northern KY to do the full ride.

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Welcome to the Run!!

As we get closer to KSU (kickstands Up) the Platoon Coordinator will start assigning Platoons. When you check in in person, you can request to go into the same platoon if that can be done and still keep the platoons “Balanced”. Trikes and Trailer Riders cannot be in the same platoon as 2 wheel motorcycles.

We can usually work that out.
As mentioned, we try to keep the number of riders in each platoon balanced, but we can adjust here and there to make it work.
Whatever you do, be sure to ask to be in Platoon 5.

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This may come as an odd question, but being an FNG I have to ask. What happens if during the course of the ride you have to use the restroom? I understand we can use it at a fuel stop but what about in between those stops? Asking for a friend.

Hey JFlick68,

Great question! You can tap out at any time and (safely) pull off to take care of a toilet break or anything else that you need to attend to such as food, mechanical issue, loose helmet strap, shoelace, or just plain tired. Then catch up to the pack at the next stop. All our stops are outlined in the daily itinerary book. I have done this many times. Note: if you have to stop for just a moment and the pack passes you by, 1) Make sure you signal to the chase vehicles that you are okay my giving them the thumbs up. 2) When/if you catch back up to the last man vehicle, you must remain behind the pack until the next stop. Then you can rejoin your platoon. You cannot ride past the last man vehicle and rejoin your platoon. Also the procedure for leaving your platoon is called “tapping out” as you will signal the riders around you of your intention to pull out of formation and off the highway by double tapping the top of your helmet. Then check your mirrors and keep your head on a swivel as you safely exit the formation and pull safely off the highway.