Howdy Folks!
“Hoofer’s Hooligans” will again be making it’s annual Run To The Run in 2025! As usual, we will leave on the Thursday before the Run begins, taking four days to cross the Country (from the Dallas, Texas region), arriving in Ontario on Sunday early afternoon. The dates for this RTTR are:
May 8, depart Dallas, TX.
May 11, Arrive Ontario, CA
I am still working on the logistics for each dahy and evening, so those details will come in the next few months. (You will have PLENTY of time to make hotel reservations before we ride!)
We will, once again, try to stay off the interstates as much as possible so that we can enjoy our trip to the west. I have several new and (hopefully) exciting stops planned, as well as some FANTASTIC places to eat! Along the way, we will sharpen our group riding skills, and reestablish our bonds of friendship and patriotism. By the time we get to Ontario, or body and minds will be ready to begin our RFTW Mission.
For those of you not familiar with “Hoofer’s Hooligans”, it all began about 25 years ago when a group of like-minded Riders got together to head to the start of RFTW. Lead by “Dutch”, this group became known as the DDD, or “Dutch’s Demented Desperados.” The intent was to provide “safety in numbers” as we all rode together. About five years later, the DDD was joined with “Cowboys Desert Renegades” or the CDR. Cowboy (aka Roger Meade) lead this group for another 10 years, until he decided to retire and pass along this Run To The Run. That’s where I came into the picture. I saw some intrinsic value to this Run to the Run, and asked Cowboy who would be taking it over. He very quickly said “YOU are!” So, I was “volun-told” to do it, and “Hoofer’s Hooligans” was born. So, here we are, 25 years since it started, and I STILL see value in this Run To The Run, as it gives us all a chance to hone our skills and get our minds “right” for our upcoming Mission.
If you are looking for a group to ride with on your journey to California, you are welcome to join the “Hooligans.” We have had riders join us in Dallas from as far away as Maine and Florida, from all over the eastern-half of our Country, and even a few who have traveled EAST to join us for the trip out WEST! We have a good time, eat very well, re-learn how to ride SAFELY in a group, and put our minds on our Mission of Honoring our Veterans, Active Duty, and POW-MIA and their Families.
Stay tuned to this thread for more details as they become available.
Jim “Hoofer” McCrain
Midway Route Photographer and SITREP Author