Promoting RFTW with VSOs

Last Saturday I made a :28 minute presentation to my Vietnam Veterans of Am. chapter - it was hard to keep it that short. I put over 50 pictures into a Power Point program and it was very well received. Everyone was interested in what we do and why we ride. I will be contacting other VSOs in CO to ask if I can make a presentation at their meetings.
Dick Bares
Central Route 2022 - 2024

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Dick, is your presentation something you are willing to share? I am doing something similar here in MS with some of the local VSO offices.

Dick shared a link with me to view the presentation. I’m also presenting to a group in NCal and was interested. He has a lot of good info and stories/pics. I’ll give him time to respomd to you and provide the link. mcBoots

Were you and the other guys able to open the link to my RFTW presentation at the Vietnam Veterans of Am chapter?

I was and thought it was good. I didn’t want to pass on your link without your input but it worked for me. mcBoots

Any chance I could get a copy of the link for my presentations?


Come out and help support East Coast Thunder. It is now an OFFICIAL RFTW Destination Stop. The website is

Im interested if you would share your presentation i have a group im going to go talk to.

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