Upcoming Meet and Greets in the Mid-Atlantic Area

Hope you are having a good winter. I would be happier if the snow would disappear, but at least we can put a few things on your calendar that help us think about May.
I want to do a better job this year of giving people advance notice about our monthly get togethers.
My general strategy this spring is to do one more lunch in Springfield, then start moving the meeting around.
February Meet n’ Greet – I’ve been wanting to do a Mexican Restaurant for a while now – and my Springfield friends nominated El Paso in Springfield as an awesome place with lots of space. So, lets do it!
11:30 am, Saturday, February 1st
El Paso Mexican Restaurant
6804 Commerce St
Springfield, VA

March’s Meet N’ Greet: Its been several years since we tried this in Martinsburg.
11:30 am, Saturday, March 1st.
I am just taking a shot in the dark here, but Mountaineer Meat Smokers in Martinsburg looks interesting and the reviews look good. If someone has had eyes on them and has other suggestions, let me know, but for now…
Mountaineer Meat Smokers
45 Monroe Street
Martinsburg, WV

April Meet N’ Greet: 11:30 am, Saturday, April 5th. Fully 20% of my mailing list (generally MD/DC/VA and a little bit of PA) is from the Tidewater area. The weathers warming up (I hope!), and time for me to start getting back to riding longer distances. So – its time to pay our RFTW brothers and sisters in the Tidewater area a visit!! If anyone wants to ride with me down from NOVA, lemme know.
Texas Roadhouse
109 Cybernetics Way
Yorktown, VA

No May or June Meet n’ Greets since its usually a pretty busy time.

See you on the road!!

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if i can make it to the march meetup ill see you there

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Come out and help support East Coast Thunder. It is now an OFFICIAL RFTW Destination Stop. The website is www.eastcoastthunder.com

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Thanks to all who have been coming out to the Meet N’ Greets this year. We had a good turn out in early February at El Paso’s in Springfield…insane amounts of food!!!

This coming Saturday (March 1st) will be our first trip back to Martinsburg, WV for a Meet N’ Greet in several years.

11:30 am, Saturday, March 1st.

If you are going on the run, you better get yourself acclimated to BBQ! So lets get after it!

We have a table reserved in the name of RFTW at Mountaineer Meat Smokers in Martinsburg. The reviews look good.

Mountaineer Meat Smokers

45 Monroe Street

Martinsburg, WV

Reminder of April Meet and Greet…

11:30 am, Saturday, April 5th. Fully 20% of my mailing list (generally MD/DC/VA and a little bit of PA) is from the Tidewater area. The weathers warming up (I hope!), and its time to pay our RFTW brothers and sisters in the Tidewater area a visit!! If anyone wants to ride with me down from NOVA, lemme know.

Texas Roadhouse

109 Cybernetics Way

Yorktown, VA

In May, there is no Meet N’ Greet, but AL Post 176 in Springfield - our Welcome home hosts who are doing so much for us are hosting a Poker Run on May 3rd. If you don’t go to this Poker Run, you will feel super guilty on 5/23 when you roll into Springfield and see what they have cooking for the end of the C2C routes on RFTW XXXV.

Hope to see you Saturday!!!