December/January Arizona RFTW Crew Meetings

RFTW Brothers and Sisters,

We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, and had plenty to be thankful for. We are deep into the holidays now and will be taking a break from our monthly meeting this month due to everyone’s busy schedules and holiday happenings.

We will meet next month on Saturday the 11th. An email with the details will come out right after the first of the year.

Don’t forget to get your hotel reservations ASAP for the 2025 run. They will be published on January 1st for the 4 routes at RFTW.US. And if you are going and haven’t registered yet, please do ASAP, so that the teams setting things up will have a good count on the expected participation (platoons, meals, and other considerations).

Merry, Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Holidays to all!