Southern Route Coms

Curious as to how many Southern Route folks have made a move on new coms and solutions they are using. My issue is, I have a16 Harley which has wired coms. I am not interested in spending the money to convert my current system to BT as I found information that the Btech GMRS Pro does not pair properly with Harley BT conversion. Anyone have any insight on this?

I haven’t made the move yet but I’m planning to buy a GMRS radio and bluetooth it to my Cardo already integrated to my helmet. Sena and Cardo are both good helmet devices that bluetooth to 2 devices. You could have it connected to your phone for calls and music and the 2nd device will be the radio. Currently, I’m only using it for my phone connectivity and talk with MeshNet to my friends that I ride with a couple of times a month. My research is telling me the first device connected will have priority so a phone call will not be interrupted but the GMRS radio traffic will have priority over music. I heard from Kirk that the app that is needed for the GMRS radio allows a lot configuration of the radio. This way you wouldn’t have to worry about wiring to your Harley. -MCBoots

I am a Platoon Leader on the Southern Route. My APL and both Tail Gunners have purchased the GMRS radios. My TGs have taken their radios to the Harley dealership to work out a solution because they have the same issue as you. However, Kirk Olson has been very helpful in guiding us along the way.

I can keep you posted as they make their adjustments.

Boots, I have connected it to my Cardo using the BT PTT and it works well. We downloaded the app and it gives you so many more options i.e adding other groups, adding additionsl frequencies, etc. We are on our volunteer fire dept. The Emergency Management Director is allowing us to program their frequency into our radios to scan their channel. One member is a Ham Operator has agreed to help us program the channels and use the city’s repeaters since we have our FCC license.

One option for you would be to add a Harley version Sena Freewire to your system, and then connect the radio to the Freewire using an adapter cable. You would then still use your corded headset. You’d probably have to connect the frewire to the passenger input of the bike. Or bite the bullet and get a bluetooth headset. I have a Freewire on my bike, but for other reasons. As I use it to get bike stuff, GPS, AM/FM, and satellite radio to my helmet. I have the Honda freewire on my BMW.

Thanks for your response.

That’s awesome to use the city repeaters but I would think it’s easy to justify since it allows you to communicate for the FD. Thanks for confirmation on the Cardo side too. They’ve been a good company to us.

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Will be joining the Souhthern route as a FNG and am planning on going coast to coast. Will it help me, being the first run, to this? I have no problem getting them….just need to get it so am familiar with the system before I ride with a group.

Welcome home and welcome to the Southern Route. Only leadership riders are required to have communication devices. You are absolutely welcome to have one and to listen in to whatever communications occur, but you may not transmit, so if you want to save the money until a later year when you decide to join a leadership position you will be perfectly fine.

Thanks brother….will do that or if i have a few duckles will get one

Cajunbone, welcome to the Southern Route, we’ll be glad to have you. To answer your question based on my experience. You do not have to get the radio. It will help you in listening to the communication and understanding what the group is talking about and what is happening in the formations. When I first joined RFTW, I almost tapped out in my first leg because the pace was much slower than I was used to riding. My platoon leader Javajoe, told me to listen on my CB to get an understanding. That was it, my mindset changed and I’ve been hooked ever since.

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FYI, I just ordered a radio from the site suggested and the code for a free bluetooth PTT button did not work. I called them and the nice young lady couldn’t find that as an active discount but she suggested I use the code “show” which is off their podcast show and that gave me a 5% discount, effectively within a couple (>) of dollars of the price of the PTT button. So, if you order there, remember the discount code. -mcBoots

To get the PTT button you need to order from BTech not buytwowayradios. And not Amazon.

K. So it’s another case of operator error! Thanks. :grinning:

I Have purchased the B Tech GMRS Pro and PTT buttons, a Cardo Edge Pack Talk system and obtained my license. That is where my progress hit a snag. I down loaded the B Tech Programmer app from the App Store on my I Phone 15 but when I open the app, all I get is a map and a texting feature. NOTHING related to the radio programming or even pairing the app to the radio. I admit I am technologically challenged but I have tried several times with no luck. I have deleted and reloaded program, and attempted pairing with orange pairing button several times. Anyone else encounter this?

I have a Cardo, I am hoping it will sync with the GRMS as I don’t want to buy another set that nobody that I ride with uses.

If I understand your question right, The Cardo will only speak with another Cardo reliably. It can “bluetooth” to other radio systems, like a Sena, but your limited to the distance of bluetooth which is not very good when your riding bikes. And, the Cardo will bluetooth to a GMRS radio which is typically with you on your bike, and allow you to use the GMRS radio or at least listen to the radio traffic through the Cardo system BUT, you have to have a GMRS radio to to listen or talk as a participant. The portable GMRS radio at 5 watt will typically transmit a couple of miles or more depending on terrain. I hope that helps.

That’s one of the reasons I implemented a separate morning briefing for anyone joining us after Day 1. I did it as a Tail Gunner, and now as an APL.
I find the riders joining us for the first time that day and give them a briefing I developed that covers all the usual stuff and points out that RFTW has a preferred “march speed” and rhythm that gets us where we need to be.
It’s basically a briefing I wish someone would have given me when I joined RFTW in 2017. I had real challenges that first day that could have been greatly reduced if I understood a few things about the Run.

DragonFly, we have cardo radios. I have a 2019 Goldwing DCT. They have a ton of eletronic and technology. The cardo’s will only allow you to pair four items with it. In my case those items have to be turned on in a specific order or things get kicked out. I have two cell phones android and apple. I use apple for gps and other stuff android for calls.
Here is my specific sequence:

  1. Bike on
  2. Headset on, android automatically connects
  3. Apple Car play connected
  4. GMRS connected
    Any other order doesn’t work for me and my bike.

Is it a briefing that needs to be attended every day or just the first day joining the ride. I plan to join up in Dallas and depending on attendance at this briefing will determine whether I camp or stay in hotels for the ride.